(Alexandria, VA) Convergence Media congratulates Captain Sam Brown on a decisive victory in the Nevada Republican primary yesterday. Sam secured 59% of the vote and will face incumbent Jacky Rosen in the general election on November 5, 2024.

“Captain Sam Brown is an American hero and exactly the type of new leader we need in the United States Senate,” Mike Shields, Founding Partner of Convergence Media said. “He has committed his entire life to the service of God and Country, from fighting for our nation in Afghanistan, to helping veterans get the medication they need in Nevada. A husband, a father of school aged children, a small business owner, a West Point graduate, and a distinguished military veteran – Sam Brown will bring an outsiders perspective that is badly needed in Washington.”

Sam Brown is a Purple Heart recipient, a small businessman, a committed husband and father, and represents a new generation of conservative leadership. After graduating from West Point, Sam was deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan where he fought in the 3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division at Fort Hood. Only four months into his deployment, while supporting a nearby platoon, a roadside bomb detonated under the fuel tank of his vehicle, leaving him drenched in diesel and covered in flames. Following the injuries he sustained, Sam rededicated his life to service and started a small business providing emergency pharmaceuticals to support Veterans. He now looks to serve his country in a new way, as United States Senator to Nevada.